My sister and nephew’s family recently moved to Vancouver. That means more family time at the cabin moving forward. Myself, I’ll be heading up to the cabin in a few weeks to get it spruced up for the season. But the big news is that there are major changes afoot for how short term rentals are handled on Hornby. It’s still early days… It shouldn’t effect the 2024 season, but between major changes made in B.C. laws recently, and ongoing ‘negotiations’ about how short term rentals are regulated on Hornby we can expect some significant changes by the time Spring 2025 rolls around. I’ve been following along (you can imagine there is a LOT of energy around this), but I’m sad to say that the feelings, and, dare I say ‘rights’ (as fellow citizens of B.C. and Canada) of our guests, some of whom have been coming here for years… Some of whom (not our place but others on the island) for whom the summer trek to Hornby is a long-time family tradition, seem to not have entered into the conversation!
Probably the best place to surface the latest information is the HISTRA, the Hornby Island Short Term Rentals Association, which was formed in response to represent those of us who are seasonal renters.
I will keep you posted. And have a cabin update in May.